global info
Together with inhabitants to defend the Right to Housing without borders
The International Alliance of Inhabitants welcomes the handover of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing role from Raquel Rolnik to Leilani Farha.
Girl, disrupted: challenges for internally displaced girls worldwide
Women and children make up 70% of the world’s internally displaced population. To mark International Women’s Day, IDMC highlights how the challenges young girls face around world increase when violence or conflict forces them to flee their homes.
365 days of best wishes for 2014
Our best wishes for the forthcoming year are:
For the homeless, those living in poor housing, and those who have been evicted, to fight and win, thanks to the struggles, solidarity, resistance and alternatives, to the neoliberalism lashes ...
Our best wishes for gaining your support!
Wall Street landlords: the empire strikes back & move quickly to evict tenants
How Wall Street has turned housing into a dangerous get-rich-quick scheme again
Over the last year and a half, Wall Street hedge funds and private equity firms have quietly amassed an unprecedented rental empire, bought more than 200,000
cheap, mostly foreclosed houses in cities hardest hit by the economic meltdown. Lucky for us, they are going to rent these foreclosed houses back to us. In the process, it’s devised a “new” form of securitization that could cause this whole plan to blow up – again: the evictions. Wall Street is using its experience to replicate the model around the world, beginning in Spain.
Acaparamiento de tierras en América Latina
El acaparamiento de grandes extensiones de tierras, conocido en inglés como land-grabbing
, fenómeno que surgió principalmente en la última década y que se acentuó a partir de la crisis alimentaria del 2008, está transformando radicalmente la estructura agraria en el mundo, desplazando al campesinado y reforzando la agroindustria. En África y Asia, este fenómeno corresponde principalmente a acuerdos entre Estados, donde un gobierno acuerda la compra o arriendo de grandes extensiones –cien, doscientas mil hectáreas o más-, en otro país, para producir alimentos bajo su propio control y exportarlos, a fin de garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de su población. En América Latina, sin embargo, el proceso ha asumido una característica distinta, según explica Cristóbal Kay
, especialista en desarrollo y reforma agraria. Y es que en nuestro continente, no son otros Estados sino principalmente las grandes empresas translativas las que están invirtiendo en países vecinos. En entrevista con ALAI, Kay advirtió que, entre más avanza este proceso, más complejo se vuelve pensar en una reforma agraria en los países afectados.
The convergence of struggles at World Assembly of Inhabitants: 29/3/13
In the afternoon we will hold our main plenary session Assemblée Mondiale des Habitants / World Assembly of Inhabitants / Asamblea Mundial de los Habitantes
Time: 16.00 – 18.30Room: Faculty of Sciences - Amphi A
The Inhabitants at the World Social Forum
The World Social Forum gets into full swing from Tuesday 26 to Saturday 30 March in Tunis. The World Assembly of Inhabitants is in the final stages of preparation as delegates arrive from around the world to participate in a packed programme.
Athens, Urbanrise Congress, Workshop “Crisis regimes and emerging social movements in cities of Southern Europe”
David Harvey
The intention of the workshop is to provide an opportunity to scholars and activists from South European cities for exchanging experiences concerning the current crisis in South European cities and explore alternatives.
Chávez was not a distant president, he was a comrade of the popular movement that came to power, he was one of us: AND HE LIVES!
Reconocimiento de la Red Metropolitana de Inquilinos al Presidente Hugo Chavez
He died a libertarian, an irreverent, a social transformer, but the seed of a promising future remains for the Venezuela Bolivarian and for Latin America.
Commander Hugo Chávez has not died, the tyrants have died, he has left us the historical lesson of Latin American integration as a guarantee of independence and sovereignty in the face of imperialism with the
Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, ALBA.
Tunis, Statement Concerning the Assassination of Chokri Belaid
The situation in Tunis is very complicated as, after the assassination of Chokri-Belaid, the leader of the opposition to Tunisia’s Islamist government, the popular uprising became a formidable force in demanding not only justice, but equally the revival of the springtime revolution in the name of dignity, freedom and social justice. As IAI we have sent our solidarity and are following developments closely.