Home » The Urban Way » Social Forum Resistance Habitat 3 » Call for participation in the Social Forum, a platform for popular resistance to Habitat III

Call for participation in the Social Forum, a platform for popular resistance to Habitat III

The People’s Committee for Our Territories calls society for the construction of a Social Forum in resistance to Habitat III, continuing the legacy of other Social Forums held before UN Habitat mega-events, such as the People’s Alternative Urban Social Forum in Medellin (April 2014), the Urban Social Forum in Naples (September 2012) and the World Assemblies of Inhabitants in Tunisia (2013 and 2015). All interested organizations are invited to take part in this process.

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Quito, the capital of the Republic of Ecuador, located in the north of the central Andes region at 2,850 metres above sea level (9,350 feet), will be hosting the UN Habitat III conference, taking place from 17 to 20 October 2016.

It was in Ecuador – a country located in the north west of South America – that the People’s Committee for Our Territories was created in opposition to Habitat III. In November 2015, the Committee began by questioning the urban model increasingly imposed by connivance government-capital on cities around the world. The model originated in the preceding Habitat I and II summits, events which failed to take account of citizens' voices and demands, particularly those of the poor and marginalized.

As in many other countries around the world, the 15 million Ecuadorian citizens and, in particular, the almost 2.4 million inhabitants of Quito are subject to government policies that privatize vital public spaces and limit access to health, education, housing, clean water, food, work, social welfare, culture, communication, freedom of speech, available and impartial justice, and basic services for social coexistence – all of which represent rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. By denying people the possibility of a dignified life in the countryside, these government policies promote rural to urban migration. This distances the population from the land, creating and maintaining a culture of indiscriminate pollution, emitted by expanding modern metropolises that have been constructed following the destruction of vast green areas, without which there is very little space left for recreational activities and the vital re-oxygenation of cities.

In the face of this trend, the Committee calls society for the construction of a Social Forum in resistance to Habitat III, continuing the legacy of other Social Forums held before UN Habitat mega-events, such as the People’s Alternative Urban Social Forum in Medellin (April 2014), the Urban Social Forum in Naples (September 2012) and the World Assemblies of Inhabitants in Tunisia (2013 and 2015). All interested organizations are invited to take part in this process.

The Social Forum will take place in Quito on the same days as Habitat III, and will provide a space for creating mobilization and developing proposals by citizens from the world’s marginalized sectors. It will challenge the global urban model, based as it is on an alliance between governments and capital, and which does not seek to achieve wellbeing for all people but rather to bolster already powerful groups.

The People’s Committee is actively seeking accommodation in Quito for members of organizations taking part in the Social Forum, as well as support from and social relations with community arts. For this reason, this call is directed to social movements and collective organizations committed to the wellbeing of the planet and to strengthening the space for a truly human habitat that will be created in Quito in October 2016.


The call is asking organizations from all round the world to join in here and thus demonstrate the worldwide collective participation that the Habitat III Social Forum will generate.

The global launch will take place on 4 May 2016, when different organizations in cities all over the world, taking an active part in International Workers’ Day marches on 1st  May, will declare that they will be present in Quito to challenge the capitalist agenda of Habitat III and to propose alternative forms of urban coexistence.

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Participating organizations so far

Entities of Ecuador:

  • Acción Ecológica.
  • Carishina en Bici.
  • Centro de Apoyo y Protección de los Derechos Humanos, SURKUNA
  • Centro de Derechos Económicos y Sociales, CDES.
  • Centro de Investigaciones Ciudad.
  • Centro Nacional de Estrategia para el Derecho al Territorio, CENEDET.
  • Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos “Segundo Montes Mozo S.J.”, CSMM.
  • Clínica Ambiental.
  • Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador.
  • Colectivo Diálogos por la Movilidad y la Ciudad.
  • Colectivo Miradas Críticas del Territorio desde el Feminismo.
  • Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos, CEDHU.
  • Comité Barrial de la Floresta.
  • Comité Cívico de Calderón.
  • Comité de Afectados por #ErrorVialGuayasamín.
  • Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador, CONAIE.
  • Confederación Ecuatoriana de Trabajadores, CTE.
  • Confederacion Nacional de Barrios del Ecuador CONBADE.
  • Confederación Ecuatoriana de Organizaciones Clasistas Unitaria de Trabajadores, CEDOCUT.
  • Ecuador Decide No TLC.
  • Foro Permanente de Quito.
  • Frente de Defensa y Lucha del Taxismo Informal (Ibarra)
  • Fundación Habitar Humano.
  • Grupo de Investigación-Acción Derecho a la Ciudad.
  • Instituto de Estudios del Tercer Mundo.
  • Oficina Pro Defensa de la Naturaleza y sus Derechos.
  • PALOSANTO. Colectivo por el derecho a la vivienda y la ciudad.
  • Proyecto Transgénero.
  • Pueblo Kitu Kara.
  • Red de Apoyo Ecuador.
  • Red de ecologistas populares.
  • Red de organizaciones sociales y comunitarias de Monte Sinaí.
  • Somos Ecuador
  • Yasunidos

International organisations:

  • Alianza Internacional de Habitantes.
  • Coalición Internacional del Hábitat – Habitat International Coalition.
  • Internacional de Servidores Públicos, ISP.
  • Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo, PIDHDD Regional.
  • Red Latinoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de los Derechos Sociales y Ambientales.
  • Red Nuestras Ciudades – Urbanismo en Latinoamerica.
  • Techo Internacional.
  • Coordinadora Centroamericana Autogestionaria de la Vivienda Solidaria, COCEAVIS.

Entities by country:

  • Colectivo por la Igualdad, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Red Habitat Argentina.
  • Habitar, Argentina.
  • Proyecto Habitar, Argentina.
  • Asociación Civil Madre Tierra, Argentina.
  • Fundación Edas Ota, Tucumán, Argentina.
  • Nueva Democracia, ASOCND, Argentina.
  • Asociación Civil La Minga, Córdoba, Argentina.
  • Vecinos Sin Techo, VST, Argentina.
  • Habitat et Participation ASBL, Bélgica.
  • União Nacional Por Moradia Popular, Brasil.
  • Sindicato dos Arquitetos e Urbanistas no Rio de Janeiro, SARJ, Brasil.
  • Red Nacional de Asentamientos Humanos, RENASEH, Bolivia.
  • Comité Articulador de Cooperativas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua, CACVAM, Bolivia.
  • Red Hábitat (Bolivia)
  • Local Democracy Watch, Canadá.
  • Red Hábitat Popular, Chile.
  • Congreso de los Pueblos, Colombia.
  • Bloque de asentamientos y asociaciones Pro Defensa del Derecho a la Vivienda de Popayán-Cauca, Colombia.
  • Comité Pro-Defensa de la Escuela Justo Pastor Mejía, Colombia.
  • Fundación Promotora de la Vivienda, FUPROVI, Costa Rica.
  • n´UNDO, España.
  • Atelier Populaire d’Urbanisme en la ciudad de Grenoble, Francia.
  • Plataforma Urbana (Guatemala)
  • Ocupa tu Ciudad A.C., Guadalajara, México.
  • Pobladores A.C. Veracruz, México.
  • Centro operacional de Vivienda y Poblamiento A.C., Copevi, México.
  • Cooperación Comunitaria A.C., México.
  • Observatorio de Seguridad Ciudadana y Cohesión Social, México.
  • Movimiento Popular Urbano, México.
  • Comunal-Taller de Arquitectura, México.
  • Hábitat Participativo, México.
  • Cooperación Comunitaria, México.
  • Cooperativa Palo Alto, México.
  • Cooperativas Guendaliza’a y Tochant, México.
  • Movimiento Urbano-Popular de la Convención Nacional Democrática, MUP-CND, México.
  • Asociación Civil Unidos por la Dignidad de Corral del Risco, Bahía de Banderas; Nayarit, México.
  • Sociedad Cooperativa Turística y Pesquera La Sencilla, México.
  • Asociación Civil de Veteranos de Nuevo Corral del Risco, México.
  • Peatonia Peatón, México.
  • Foundation For Environmental Rights,Advocacy & Development, FENRAD, Nigeria.
  • Centro de Investigación, Documentación y Asesoría Poblacional, CIDAP, Lima, Perú.
  • Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo – desco, Lima, Perú.
  • Cenca, Lima, Perú.
  • Central de Organizaciones Sociales Promotora de la Ejecución de Acciones de Renovación Urbana, CPRU, Lima, Perú.
  • Asociaciones de Posesionarios de Inmuebles Tugurizados del Centro Histórico de Lima – Barrios Altos, Perú.
  • Movimiento de los Sin Techo Metropolitano y del Perú.
  • Virgen del Carmen del Quinto Patio, Perú.
  • Red Metropolitana de Inquilinos, Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Impact Foundation, Túnez.
  • Federación Uruguaya de Cooperativas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua, FUCVAM, Uruguay.
  • Unione Inquilini, Italy.
  • Collectif Droit au Logeent Décent, Tunisie.
  • LA PAH, Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca, Spain.
  • MLB Movimento de Luta nos Bairros, Vilas e Favelas,Brazil.


About the People’s Committee


  1. To promote the participatory development of an Autonomous Habitat III Agenda from the perspective of community needs and the right to the city. “Another city is possible”.
  2. To support participatory processes on neighbourhoods in determining their plans, programmes and projects for a harmonious coexistence with nature, culture, art and sustainable, environmentally-friendly business, rejecting the consumer paradigm that drives waste and megalomania, and to propose post-Habitat III actions.


  1. To analyze the official documents about Habitat III and publicly disseminate their key arguments, thus exposing to public view the hidden interests that drive international conferences of this kind and their impact on the environment, economy, culture and society.
  2. To publish a list of Habitat III winners and losers.
  3. To publicize the issues vetoed by Habitat III: violence on neighborhoods, micro-trafficking, crime and gentrification, among others that occur also in Ecuadorian cities.




Signatories appeal (142)

  • BERNARD - DAGA Guy, 1948 - France
  • Massimo Pasquini, Segretario Nazionale Unione Inquilini - Italy
  • Andrés Peñaherrera , Independiente - Ecuador
  • Arianne Berenice Reséndiz Flores, Maestría en Planeación y Políticas Metropolitanas-Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco - Mexico
  • Marcela Benavides Galárraga, - Ecuador
  • Fernando Díaz Orueta, Universidad de La Rioja - Spain
  • Francesco Nardelli, - Italy
  • Mónica Pastrano, - Ecuador
  • Renzo Enrique Fornasini García, - Ecuador
  • Cristian Carrión, Independiente - Ecuador
  • Patricio Raza, Consejo de Educación Popular de América Latina y El Caribe - CEAAL Ecuador - Ecuador
  • Abel Chico, AEF CHI ( Asociación de afectados por Entidades Financieras -CHI) - Spain
  • Aída Quinatoa, CONADEE ( Coordinadora Nacional de Ecuatorianos en España ) - Spain
  • MLB Movimento de Luta nos Bairros, Vilas e Favelas , - Brazil
  • Paulo Oscar Saad, Sindicato de Arquitetos e Urbanistas no Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
  • Arnold Pierre, Habitat en Mouvement - France
  • Asociación Civil UN TECHO para mi Hermano, - Argentina
  • Omar Reggiani, Asociación Civil UN TECHO para mi Hermano - Argentina
  • Cinthia Andrade , Comité Error Vial Guayasamín - Ecuador
  • Winston Arteaga, Colectivo Alternativo de Comunicación Barrial Décima Comuna - Colombia
  • María Beayriz Granillo, Coordinadora Independiente de Torreon - Mexico
  • Ernesto Jiménez Olin, Unión Popular Valle Gómez - Mexico
  • Giulia Testori, estudiante de doctorado en urbanismo IUAV y KULEUVEN - Italy
  • Prashant Anthony, People's Responsible Organisation of United Dharavi(PROUD) - India
  • Maria Isabel Muñoz Sepulveda, Junta de Acción Comunal Barrio la Cascada - Colombia
  • Juan Jose Diez De Medina, Asociación Boliviana de Cultura - Derechos Fundamentales ABC-DF - Bolivia
  • Antonio Torres Moreno, Campaña 18 de Diciembre - Colombia
  • Gabriela Jurado, TDG México - Mexico
  • Maximo Moreno moreno, ASOCIACION DOMINICANA DE MUNICIPIOS DEL ESTE - Dominican Republic
  • Terence Krishna Lopez, Sining Kadamay (Art Solidarity) - Philippines
  • virginia miranda, Ando Habitando - Argentina
  • Varghese Theckanath, Montfort Social Institute (Center for HRE) - India
  • Jose Acuña, Sembrar consciencia ( ex Autopista 3) - Argentina
  • Carlos Armando, FEDEVI - Argentina
  • Mike Davies, International Alliance of Inhabitants - Zimbabwe
  • ALLALI ABDELLAH, Réseau Marocain Pour Le Logement Décent - Morocco
  • Francesca Trasatti, - Italy
  • Luz Elena viñolo, deudores hipotecarios autocomvocados - Argentina
  • Ernesto Domingo Paez, Presidente MO.DE.VI.FA. (Movimiento en Defensa de la Vivienda Familiar) - Argentina