The Court in Padua has summoned Cesare Ottolini, global coordinator of the IAI, accused of “aggravated private violence” for successfully defending a family of migrants against eviction from their home. The family is one of many families defended over 40 years of struggle for the right to housing in his city and on all continents.Call for international mobilization.
24 May 2018 - Denunciations, including claims for damages, continue against activists defending families from eviction.
Yesterday, just after Cesare Ottolini, secretary of Padova Tenants’ Union, and a member of the Italian Tenants’ Union’s national secretariat, as well as global coordinator of the International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI), was charged to appear in court, Michelangelo Di Beo, a fellow member of the Italian Tenants’ Union’s national secretariat, has in turn been charged to appear in court for having defended a family during an anti-eviction picket. The same story for another member of the Tenants’ national secretariat, Laura Boy, who has also been charged to appear in court for the occupation of an abandoned and dilapidated building.
- Hand off Cesare Ottolini (Philippines)
- Habitar Argentina: Más de 60 organizaciones en repudio a la acusación y en solidaridad a Cesare Ottolini
- Solidaridad de FEDEVI, Argentina
- Solidariedade e apoio ao coordenador da Aliança Internacional dos Habitantes, Cesare Ottolini - CONAM, MNLM,CMP, MLB, Brasil
- Solidaridad - Ramiro Garcia, DESC, Peru
- Fuerza Cesare - Colectivo por la Igualdad, Argentina
- Rocio Bastidas, Barrio la Floresta, Quito, Ecuador
- Miguel Narváez, ResistenciaHabitat3, Ecuador
- Solidaridad con Cesare - RED DE ORGANIZACIONES DE MONTE SINAI, Guayaquil, Ecuador
- Lideres sociales dominicanos expresan solidaridad con Cesare Ottolini
- Solidaridad con Cesare Ottolini - MO.DE.VI.FA, Argentina
- Mensaje de solidaridad - RedCudecom, Colombia
- HIC shows its support for the work of IAI - Habitat International Coalition
- #CesareSomosTodxs - Fundavivienda, Venezuela
- Solidarité depuis Maroc - Réseau Marocain Logement Décent
- Hands off Cesare Ottolini! Hands off Housing Rights Activists! - Kadamay, Philippines
- Solidarité depuis Grenoble - Atelier Populaire d'Urbanisme
- Apoyo total a Cesare - COPEVI, Mexico