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The session of the International Tribunal of Evictions on climate change at COP 25: tackling starting with the global moratorium on evictions

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Agustin Territoriale, member of the Jury of the International Tribunal of Evictions, presents the session on climate change, organized by the International Alliance of Inhabitants together with its partners, in Santiago de Chile and Madrid from 5 to 8 December 2019 in parallel to COP 25.
The cases analysed and judged by the Tribunal show the close relationship between the climate crisis and the housing crisis. “Resilient” policies, under the pretext of protecting populations, often promote community evictions, violating national and international laws on human rights, rather than relying on the proposals of the inhabitants.
Among others, the case of the camps of Calama and Antofagasta, northern Chile.

Kipchumba Rotich, Sengwer of Embobut, denounces the violent evictions of ancestral people from Kenya's forests in the name of falsely protectionist policies financed by international cooperation.

Mohammad Shahjahan, Young Power in Social Action, denounced the non-involvement and evictions of the population of Kutubdia Island, Bangladesh, affected by increasingly violent cyclones due to climate change.

The International Tribunal of Evictions indicates that the best strategy to tackle climate change are policies that respect human rights, in particular the right to housing, involving the affected populations. First step, the global moratorium on evictions.

The International Tribunal on Evictions denounces violations of the right to housing and land and calls for climate policies based on respect of human rights, beginning from the moratorium of evictions

  • Author(s) of the work: Focus Puller
  • Published: Tuesday 11 February 2020
  • Principal themes: Evictions
  • The country or countries of provenance: Spain
  • Key words, tags: International Tribunal of Evictions
  • Social action methodology used by the protagonists: -
