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application/mswordMessaggio protesta a Governo italiano contro sfratti (29 09 18, IT).doc [44.00 kB]
application/mswordMessaggio protesta a Governo italiano contro sfratti (29 09 18, PT).doc [34.50 kB]
application/pdfMéthodes de mobilisations pour faire respecter ses droits (TdH, 2011) (FR).pdf [5.10 MB]
application/pdfMethods to claim your rights (TdH, 2011) (EN).pdf [4.98 MB]
application/pdfMétodos de movilización para hacer respetar sus derechos (TdH, 2011) (ES).pdf [9.29 MB]
application/pdfMéxico, D.F., casetas Cooperativa Poder Popular (26.09.2014, ES).pdf [188.08 kB]
application/mswordMinuta reunión de discusión et de orientación de la Aitec Urbana (10 12 2011).doc [25.00 kB]
application/pdfMinutes from the IAI CC chat - Evaluation of the achievements of the Africities Summit, working towards the convergences of the WAI 2013 (EN, 21-12-12).pdf [49.32 kB]
application/pdfMinutes of the meeting of the IAI Accounts Review Committee held (english, 29th March 2012).pdf [38.40 kB]
application/pdfMoción Cuba X Congreso FCOC 0(2006, español).pdf [25.38 kB]
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