global info
United in solidarity, we fight and build the Urban and Communitarian Way to living well on our planet!
Happy New Year for 2012, as now is the time:
for the homeless, badly housed and evicted to draw on ties of solidarity and on the fight to build resistance and alternatives in order to face up to the attacks of neoliberalism and come out on top ... (---> Onwards towards 2013!)
2012 Housing Europe Review
The CECODHAS Housing Europe Observatory has carried out a second review of the social, co-operative and public housing sectors in the 27 EU member states, the first one having been completed in 2007.
Outraged and fighting for the Right to housing!
It is no coincidence that a series of global initiatives are being put into place in this warm month of October; among them are the Global Week of Action against debt and international financial institutions, the Cry of the Excluded and, incidentally, the protests scheduled for October 15, United for Global Action.
It is no coincidence either that, at the same moment, for the first time, and in all continents, organisations and inhabitants networks are working together on the occasion of World Habitat Days.
Week of Global Action Against Debt and IFIs
Break the chains of debt!
The system of debt continues to devastate the lives of people around the world. People in the South face the daily impacts and consequences of the financial indebtedness of their countries, which far from having been "relieved" is growing in step with the crisis and the pursuit of extraordinary profits by the most concentrated forms of capital. They continue also to bear the burden of the unpaid historical, social, ecological, and climate debts which are increasing as well to the rhythm of false solutions to the global crisis.
La Via Campesina: llamamiento a Durban
El movimiento internacional campesino La Vía Campesina y su miembro el Movimiento de los Sin Tierra de Sudáfrica (Landless Peoples Movement, LPM) se están movilizando para la XVII Conferencia de las Partes (COP17) de la Convención sobre el Cambio Climático de las Naciones Unidas, que tendrá lugar en Durban (Sudáfrica) del 28 de noviembre al 9 de diciembre de 2011.
Disasters: New risk index helps identify vulnerability
A family works to navigate the flooded streets of Cotabato City, Mindanao [19 June 2011] © David Swanson/IRIN
A new disaster risk index launched by the UN University Institute for Environment and Human Security in Bonn could help donors and aid organizations better understand why some countries are more at risk of calamity than others, and shape their responses when disaster strikes.
Methods to claim your rights
This guide focuses on violations of housing, land and food rights by both the private and public sector in rural and urban areas
It is based on stakeholders’ experiences with various practices, cultures and backgrounds such as the Philippine Human Rights Information Center (PhilRights) in the Philippines, the Integrated Rural Development Society (IRDS) in India, Federação of Órgãos para Assistência Social e Educacional (FASE) in Brazil, the Réseau National des Habitants du Cameroun (RNHC, National Network of People Living in Cameroon), Juristes-Solidarités in France, Foundation for Educational Innovations in Asia (Fedina) in India and members of the Malian and Senegalese ESC rights plateforms.
42 million displaced by sudden natural disasters in 2010 – report
Millions of men, women and children around the world are displaced from their homes each year by sudden-onset natural disasters. This report finds that over 17 million people were newly displaced in 2009 and over 42 million in 2010, most of them by extreme weather events. The sheer scale of displacement should leave no doubt as to the seriousness and immediacy of the challenge facing affected populations, governments and the international community. People displaced by disasters have the right to be protected and assisted, and greater efforts and collaboration between actors from different fields are required to strengthen preparedness and response."
Internal Displacement Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2010
The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) has released their global overview for 2010
. Since 1998 the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Internal Displace- ment Monitoring Centre has monitored internal displacement resulting from conflict and violence. During this period, the number of internally displaced persons has steadily risen from around 17 million to 27.5 million in 2010.
Global: Taking on the land-grabbers
Property developers in Indonesia and Thailand moved in quickly after the 2004 Tsunami, snapping up land from those relocated into resettlement camps to build luxury resorts, further squeezing the livelihoods of the poor. Land grabbing happened after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, the Haiti earthquake, and after cyclones and floods in the Philippines, according to the World Disasters Report
2010 (WDR).