Inhabitants of Africas
Burkina Faso: Zéro déguerpis, Zéro mal–logés, Zéro sans abri à partir de 2012
Mairie de Boulmiougou prise en otage par la CAB
Ici au réseau Novox Burkina nous lançons un appel de soutien international. Pour stopper le déguerpissement dans notre pays.
Cette Journée Mondiale, nous organiserons une marche de soutien en faveur de ces milliés de sinistré sans forces ni richesse, en quête de leurs subsistance quotidienne. A partir de 2012 plus de déguerpissement, décret du réseau Novox Burkina Faso.
Mali, Victoire des mouvements sociaux sur l’entreprise chinoise COVEC
Paysans expropriés par COVEC au Mali
Histoire de la lutte victorieuse de l'Union des Associations et des Coordinations d’Associations pour le Développement et la Défense des Droits des Démunis au Mali contre pour récupérer les terres de cultures ayant fait l’objet de bornage unilatéral par l'entreprise chinoise COVEC sans qu’ils en soient informés ou associé
Algeria: SOS Eviction challenges the authorities on violations of the right to housing
Algeria, 3,000 children thrown onto the streets in one year
The SOS Eviction Committee
was created in July 2009 under the aegis of the Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights, headed by Hocine Zahouane, following the renewed outbreak of evictions of families from their homes for various reasons. Right from the start, the Committee has attempted to attract the attention of the highest authorities in the country through requests and demands for support, but the state continues to turn a deaf ear.
Cameroun, Tous ensemble et au maximum à l’AMH, Dakar 2011
C’est ainsi qu’on peut résumer le vœu de la cinquantaine d’habitants réunis à la session spéciale de la Triennale des Habitants (3ème édition, Maroua 22-23 Novembre 2010) consacré à la préparation de l’AMH qui se tiendra à Dakar du 06 au 11Février 2010.
Parténaires pour financer le logement social
Les Organisations membres du Réseau National des Habitants du Cameroun (RNHC) seront présentes du 22 au 25 novembre 2O10, à Maroua pour la 3ème édition de la Triennale des Habitants du Cameroun sur le thème : « Mettre la gouvernance urbaine au service du financement du logement social ». L' AIH apportera sa contribution, notamment dans l'Atelier préparatoire de l’Assemblée Mondiale des Habitants 2011 (mardi 23 novembre), présentant la Campagne Zéro Expulsions et la proposition de créer un Fond Populaire pour la Terre et le Logement financé par l'annulation de la dette extérieure.
South Africa, Serving our Life Sentence in the Shacks
Sit down in front of the police (Abalhali, March 22 2010)
People all over South Africa have been asking the leaders of Abahlali baseMjondolo as to why the government continues to ignore the demands of the shack dwellers. They have been asking why after all the marches, statements, reports and meetings the Kennedy Road settlement continues to get burnt down through the endless shack fires.
"Não partam a minha casa" Angola, Benguela, 29 a 31 de Julho de 2010
Para dar uma ideia da gravidade da situação da habitação em Angola, em Julho de 2009 o Governo Provincial de Luanda demoliu cerca de 3000 casas nos bairros Iraque e Bagdade, no município do Kilamba Kiaxi, deixando ao relento cerca de 15 mil pessoas. Um caso análogo ocorreu em Março de 2010, cerca de 2.500 famílias ficaram desalojadas em decorrência da avassaladora onda de demolições de residências na cidade do Lubango levadas a cabo pelo Governo da Província da Huíla. Objectivo específico da Conferência : conceber uma estratégia nacional e de integração em movimentos globais de prevenção e combate às demolições e desalojamentos forçados, criando um espaço comum das organizações de moradores e movimentos sociais urbanos.
South Africa: Independent Report into Political Violence Against Landless People's Movement
As the Landless People's Movement in Gauteng we welcome the independent research report by Jared Sacks into political violence against our movement in Gauteng. We have been suffering from serious repression in Protea South, in Harry Gwala and in eTwatwa. The story of our struggle and the repression of our struggle has not been told. The world may have been watching South Africa for the World Cup but the repression of our movement has passed unnoticed. Therefore we welcome this report and the light that it shines into the darkness of our country.
Nairobi, Memorandum Dandora Dumping Site and Waste Management
Dandor dumpig site (Francesco Fantini)
The “Stop Dumping Death on Us”
campaign has disclosed to the media its Memorandum on waste management system in Nairobi and the decommissioning of Dandora dumping site. The memorandum set a clear demand for the President and the Prime Minister to provide leadership in this process and appeals to them to set up a framework to coordinate Waste Management in Nairobi and the relocation of Dandora dumping site. The campaigners asked the President and the Prime Minister to intervene to avoid uncoordinated efforts which may lead to duplication of efforts and possible institutional conflicts among different government actors.
Cairo, The Court's Rule on Doweyqa Case
The Misdemeanors Court of Monsha't Nasser issued a verdict on the Doweyqa case by the imprisonment for five years for the first defendant, a deputy governor of Cairo governorate, and three years for seven defendants who are also employees of the State.
The facts of the case go back to the year 2008 when a huge rock of Al-Moqatam Mountain collapsed on Ezbet Bekhet- Doweyqa- Cairo and led to the death of 107 inhabitants and 57 were injured according to the official statements.