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Inhabitants of Americas


New York, #MaketheShift: UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing Farha in Conversation w/Miguel Robles Duran

Dear family, friends and acquaintances,You are cordially invited to a presentation of the campaign #MaketheShift  by UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, Leilani Farha.

International Meeting for Equal Cities - Buenos Aires, 28-31 October 2018

The International Meeting for Equal Cities  will take place from October 28 to 31 in the city of Buenos Aires, linked to the World Zero Evictions Days and the World Day for the Right to the City. It will include a series of activities such as a cultural event, a workshop on the right to the city and thematic panels on urban inequalities, the care of common goods, feminist urbanism, the future of work, the integration of migrants and refugees,the role and the challenges of intermediate cities and subnational financing. During the Meeting there will be an Assembly of social movements and a roundtable with progressive mayors from different cities of the world. Likewise, there will be a collective position document to be presented before the Urban20.

México: Organizaciones se suman a la exigencia por la reconstrucción después los sismos de 2017

A un año del #19S expresamos nuestra solidaridad con las y los damnificados de los sismos de 7 y 19 de septiembre del año pasado, sumamos nuestra voz a las suyas para exigir la reconstrucción de sus viviendas, especialmente para la población más vulnerable de Oaxaca, Chiapas, Estado de México, Morelos, Puebla, Guerrero y la Ciudad de México que a un año del sismo aún no han podido regresar a su vivienda y siguen residiendo en la calle o en condiciones precarias.

Quebec: FRAPRU march from cities to villages for the right to housing

From September 2nd to September 29, the FRAPRU is marching from Ottawa to Québec City to defend the right to housing. More than 550 kms will be covered during 28 days! The IAI support and call for international solidarity.

Ecuador, Derechos y Ciudad, Monte Sinaí el ejemplo que no se cumple

Se celebró el Foro Internacional Ciudad y Derecho con el objetivo de la incorporación del enfoque de derechos humanos en la gestión de políticas públicas en las ciudades. En este marco se hizo presente la Red de Organizaciones Sociales y Comunitarias del Monte Sinaí, Guayaquil, para exigir el derecho al suelo y a ser parte de las planificaciones y toma de decisiones, que por mucho tiempo han sido relegados por ser consideradas ilegales o invasoras en las tierras que hoy ocupan y defienden.

Nasce a Ocupação Miguel Lobato no Centro de São Paulo

UMM ocupa terreno do Ipesp, na Rua Vergueiro, em ato contra o desmonte da política de habitação popular em SP. Mais de 3.000 pessoas nas ruas. Apoio total da Aliança Internacional dos Habitantes.

Defensoría del Pueblo del Ecuador: La Isla de Muisne en riesgo de desplazamiento

La Defensoría del Pueblo del Ecuador, como Institución Nacional de Derechos Humanos, ante la situación de desatención y abandono que viven los habitantes de la Isla de Muisne provocada por la declaratoria de “zona de riesgo” y prohibición de asentamientos humanos, emitida por la Secretaria de Gestión de Riesgos; se pronuncia de manera pública:

First Meeting of Women Defenders of the Territory and the City, Mexico

Opening ceremony (Photo: Susana Aguilar) The International Alliance of Inhabitants convened the First Meeting of Women Defenders of the Territory and the City, in Actopan, Mexico, involving 103 women from Puebla, Mexico City, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Ecuador. The meeting flourished with dialogue, exchange of experiences, and testimonies. It is urgent to concretize, conserve, mobilize, and strengthen the unity of the R-existences, offer solidarity, promote capacity building, promote initiatives that allow wellbeing, live in full harmony with nature, denounce dispossessions and repression, take advantage of the potential in social networks to visualize the role of women, build broad alliances, participate in national and international events to defend the territory, our territories, because life will only be possible with the participation of women.

Ciao Miguelzinho!

The premature departure of our friend and comrade Miguel Lobato, national coordinator of the MNLM and member of the IAI, causes great sadness in all those who knew him.

Viva Miguelzinho Viva!

Dear friends and Comrades of Miguel LobatoThe MNLM is not alone in mourning the death of Miguelzinho, all the comrades of the International Steering Committee of the  International Tribunal of Evictions, who have known and appreciated him, in addition to my humble person, are shocked, sad of his loss.