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Inhabitants of Americas


Chile, Cientos de pobladores desalojados por luchar contra embargo de sus viviendas

El gobierno de Bachelet ordenó el desalojo de los manifestantes de ANDHA Chile a Luchar, que fueron capaces de resistir durante 42 días en las orillas del rio Mapocho.

Perù, Paro Nacional del 7 de julio solidario con nuestros hermanos de la Amazonía

Hace más de 50 días que miles de nativos de nuestra Amazonía se encuentran reclamando que se deroguen 7 decretos incostitucionales que facilitan el ingreso de grandes inversiones petroleras y madereras a sus tierras. El viernes 5 de junio el gobierno aprista ordenó desalojar a los nativos de la carretera de Bagua, por la fuerza y usando balas: más de 50 nativos muertos, entre ellos jóvenes y niños, ademas de 24 policías. Por lo tanto FOVELIC apoya el Paro nacional del 7 de julio 2009.

USA, Bills to Alleviate and Prevent Homelessness Passed

National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty Hails Measures as "first step", May 20, 2009 The Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009 was passed by both the House and Senate and signed by President Obama. It includes a measure to reauthorize the housing and shelter programs of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act - the first andstill only major legislation addressing homelessness, for the first time in 17 years. It also includes a measure to protect the rights of renters in foreclosure - a major step that will help prevent them from becoming homeless.

República Dominicana - Una cementera en Los Haitises

Quien no se recuerda que hace apenas un año, algunos pobres campesinos que cultivaban un conuco de miseria, fueron sacados a patadas y sus cultivos arrasados ante la mirada aterrorizada de sus propietarios. La subsecretaria de Áreas Protegidas, con el Ing. Eleuterio Martínez a la cabeza, desconociendo que la naturaleza necesita de la presencia humana para controlar sus extravagancias naturales, hasta en un área protegida, se aferro sobre esos pobres campesinos que de agricultura viven, en una zona donde la caña de azúcar ha dejado una miseria espantosa.

Katrina Victims Will Not Have to Vacate Trailers

The Federal Emergency Management Agency had given trailer residents like these in Port Sulphur, a deadline of May 31 to vacate or face legal action. We have a lot to celebrate today! Thanks to you and people like you nationwide, FEMA has been forced to reverse its policy and has halted plans to evict Katrina survivors from FEMA trailers - the only home that many currently have. It will instead let those who are living in these trailers remain and purchase them for as little as $5.

A Representative Committee has been inducted into the World Assembly of Inhabitants in Mexico

Reunión de instalación del Comité Promotor On June 5 2009 directors of urban social organizations meeting in Mexico City decided to set up the Representative Committee for the 2011 World Assembly of Inhabitants (WAI) and to push forwards the initiative of the WAI 2011 in different social and political spheres of influence, eg making a call for the integration of other social urban movements and the protections of land and water and to outline a direction toward the WAI 2011.

Grupo latinoamericano discute vivienda popular para la región

Entidades habitacionales de 15 países latinoamericanos estarán en Pernambuco (Brasil), desde el 9 (martes) hasta el 13 de junio, para discutir y enviar a los gobiernos cuestiones sobre vivienda popular en el continente. El encuentro es bianual y este año está siendo organizado por la Unión Nacional por la Vivienda Popular (UNMP). La entidad brasilera integra la Secretaría Latinoamericana de Vivienda Popular (Selvip).

IAI alerts to the humanitarian crisis in the Peruvian Amazon

On Friday 5th June 2009, a contingent of armed military police, accompanied by Armed Forces special personnel, opened fire on around 1,000 indigenous settlers who were protesting in Bagua, northeast Peru. The protestors were demanding the repeal of a series of laws passed by the executive to dispossess them of their land, in favour of multinational companies who are seeking to appropriate the Amazon rainforest. The death toll so far includes at least 25 protestors, two journalists, and 11 police officers. Currently some other 1,000 indigenous people are occupying the Petroperú plant in the same zone, surrounded by a strong police cordon. They are threatening to blow up the plant if the police enter by force. We call out to people of good will, social organizations, civil society institutions, and local and regional democratic governments, to join forces and undertake an international campaign of solidarity against the genocide of the Peruvian Amazonian population. To these ends, the International Alliance of Inhabitants supports the constitution of an international solidarity committee, which will be in direct and permanent contact with the affected peoples.

Second round of homelessness for Katrina victims as fema prepares to enforce june 1 eviction date

The US Human Rights Network Condemns Federal Government's Move to Repossess Trailers and Leave Thousands Homeless Take a minute to click here and send an email or make a call to let the Administration know that evictions are a bad idea and tell President Obama and Congress to extend the May 30th FEMA trailer program deadline!


La Coordinadora de Asentamientos Espontáneos, adscripta a la Alianza Internacional de los Habitantes y miembro fundador del Frente Suramericano de movimientos sociales rurales y urbanos, solicitamos: