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Inhabitants of Europe


Thirty housing rights activists were arrested in Budapest

On the 19th  of January 2013, homeless activists and their allies squatted an empty building in the 7th  district of Budapest. The squatters demanded the institutionalization of a right to housing and an extensive system of social housing instead of punitive measures and overcrowded shelters. The activists were arrested and now face misdemeanor charges because of disobeying police instructions. The IAI call for international solidarity.

Napoli, Appello per sostenere l’ex Asilo Filangieri sotto sgombero

Sigilli posti il 5/1/13 sulla porta del teatro autogestito dal Collettivo La Balena,Ex Asilo Filangieri, Napoli L'ex Asilo Filangieri, aperto nel marzo 2012 per sottrarlo ai rischi di privatizzazione e fallimento, è stato attraversato da oltre 200 iniziative artistiche culturali e sociali, tra le quali il Foro Sociale Urbano, diventando così un vero bene comune.Invitiamo tutti a firmare l'appello contro le richieste di sgombero da parte del Comune di Napoli.Firma l'Appello e sostieni l'Asilo!

UK, Travellers celebrate the first approved planning for a traveller site by Basildon Council

Basildon Borough Council’s planning committee finally passed a planning application for 15 pitches to accommodate some of the most vulnerable homeless Gypsy and Traveller families in Basildon. This is a small step towards meeting the needs of local Travellers by approving plans for culturally suitable accommodation rather than wasting more taxpayers money on forced evictions.

Roma, 23/11/12, Il diritto alla casa bussa alle porte del governo

Continua l'autunno caldo per il diritto alla casa, fronte di lotta contro le politiche europee di austerità. Dopo il FSU, la Campagna Sfratti Zero ha assunto una dimensione politica generale: il 10 ottobre un centinaio di iniziative in tutta Italia, il 27 ottobre, con tutti i sindacati inquilini,  mobilitazione generale, il 23 novembre, manifestazione a Roma, sotto la sede del governo. Senza dimenticare le ormai centinaia di picchetti anti-sfratto. Ma è solo l’inizio.

The Hungarian Constitutional Court struck down on the criminalization of homelessness

The rule of law has prevailed!We are very happy to announce that the Hungarian Constitutional Court, the country’s highest court, has confirmed what The City is for All has represented for years. Congratulations and solidarity of the International Alliance of Inhabitants

Germany: Tenants protest against financial investors in front of NRW parliament

Members of the parliament and tenants organizers showed up and supported the tenant’s demands In the morning of last Friday, October 26th, about 50 tenants, delegates from various neighborhoods and towns in the Rhine-Ruhr-area, gathered in front of the state parliament of North-Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in Dusseldorf, Germany. The mostly elderly persons showed posters with crossed-out locusts and the slogan “Stop financial investors! Save our neighborhoods!”

Francia, requisiciones, DALO, Derecho a la vivienda en la Constitución, ¿empezando a reaccionar?

Manifestación en París a petición del DAL (Radio France, Nathanael Charbonnier, 27 10 2012) La movilización de las requisiciones del sábado 27 de octubre concluyó con una reunión de una delegación en la que la ministra de vivienda, Cécile Duflot, expresó su apoyo sobre el principio de requisar viviendas vacías, indicando que no habrán más desalojos de prioritarios DALO, y expresó su deseo de insertar el Derecho a la vivienda en la Constitución, todas reivindicaciones de los movimientos sociales para la vivienda.

Genève, Le Collectif 500 rencontre l’Alliance Internationale des Habitants

Non à la destruction des quartiers populaires de Genève (Collectif 500, 2012) Le Collectif 500, qui regroupe des citoyens qui s’opposent à la destruction de quartiers populaires de Genève, menacés par un projet d’extension de la gare centrale de Cornavin, a rencontré Cesare Ottolini, coordinateur de l'AIH, non par hasard lors des Journées Mondiales Zéro Expulsions-pour le Droit d'Habiter.

Sans logis et DALO, 100 000 logements tout de suite!

Samedi 27/10/12 RV 15h Place du Palais Royal Pour demander le lancement en urgence d’un plan de mobilisation/réquisition de 100 000 logements vacants, les sans logis, les prioritaires DALO et les mal logés, après une marche des réquisitions, se rendront au Ministère du logement.

In 100 piazzas, the 10th of October and beyond!

The promoters' complaint: evictions are not private tragedies but violations of law caused by disastrous political choices; a national policy is needed immediately: a moratorium on all evictions, including those caused by arrearage and inculpable foreclosures, a control of the market and financing for social housing. A mission to Italy by UN's Special Rapporteur on Housing Rights will take place soon.