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Honduras insiste y anuncia la primera Ciudad Modelo

El gobierno de Honduras ha anunciado que la primera de las llamadas ciudades modelo será en Choluteca. Estas 'ciudades', denominadas legal y eufemísticamente Zonas de Empleo y Desarrollo Económico colocan de nuevo el tema de la soberanía y los derechos democráticos en tela de juicio.

Forced evictions of displaced people lie in the dark shadows of Sochi Olympics

As Russia prepares for next month’s Winter Olympics in Sochi, people living in displacement for 20 years are being bulldozed away in neighbouring Ingushetia. These types of forced evictions – illegal under international law – are quietly putting hundreds of displaced people in the North Caucasus out in the cold.

Still at risk: the forced eviction of displaced people in urban Afghanistan

An Afghan returnee Sadiqa, 30, holds her daughter in her shetter yard in Kabul, Afghanistan, June, 11, 2012. Sadiqa and her family returned to Afghanistan 7 years ago after living for 5 years in Pakistan and are building their home by the support of Norwegian Refugee Council shelter programs in Afghanistan. Norwegian Refugee Council shelter program in Afghanistan targets internally displaced persons, returning Afghan refugees and host communities by providing shelter interventions include short-term emergency shelter and longer-term permanent shelter construction. Photo credit: Farzana Wahidy A new IDMC report highlights how thousands of displaced families in towns and cities across the country are living with the threat of being forcibly evicted. While the new IDP Policy offers hope for the long-term, immediate action is now needed by Afghan authorities and humanitarian and development partners to domesticate its provisions so as to ensure secure and dignified housing conditions for all of Afghanistan’s displaced.

Mumbai, January 30th and 31st, February 1st, 2014

Films Division , ActionAid India and Citizen’s Rights Collective (CiRiC) present Sheharnama - a three-day international film festival of documentary and short fiction films. This will feature over forty films that look within the nooks and crevices of the city to render a cinematic expression of the urban experience.Entry is free and open to all.

Eviction of Bab Al Shams exposes Israel as a lawless state

The Bab Al Shams protest village before it was forcibly evacuated by Israeli forces. (Issam Rimawi / APA images) Under pressure from right-wing upstarts amidst a heated election contest, Netanyahu ordered the eviction of Bab Al Shams in flagrant contempt of the country’s high court. And not one of the judges issued a word of protest.

Argentina, la provincia de Buenos Aires ya tiene su ley de acceso justo al hábitat

Sanción definitiva en la Cámara de Senadores de la provincia de Buenos Aires El cambio continúa - “Ley de Promoción del derecho sustentable a la vivienda y a un hábitat digno y sustentable”. El Vicegobernador de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gabriel Mariotto, y el bloque kirchnerista lograron la sanción de la ley del derecho a la vivienda y a un hábitat digno, que dejó de lado la normativa de la dictadura militar.

A Week after the Hurricane, New York Public Housing Tenants Still without Heat, Water & Power

Red Hook was hit particularly hard. The surge from Hurricane Sandy that swept through the development on October 29 dumped New York Harbor into the basements of several buildings, flooding boilers and electrical rooms and making quick recovery.

Declaran inconstitucional ciudades modelos en Honduras

Por mayoría de votos, el pleno de la Corte Suprema de Justicia declaró inconstitucional el Decreto Legislativo No. 283-2010 que crea las ciudades modelos en Honduras . La Corte Suprema de Justicia consideró que el decreto Legislativo viola la soberanía, el territorio y la forma de Gobierno.

Brésil, Les expulsions peuvent affecter plus de 100 mil personnes à São Paulo

Des familles seraient obligées de quitter leur logement à cause des récentes interventions urbaines dans la capitale de l’état de São Paulo, et cela ne concernerait que seulement sept cas de travaux publics, d’après l’étude faite par l’Observatoire des Expulsions. En général, les personnes affectées manquent d’assistance sociale et financière et d’informations fiables sur leur destination.

The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Raquel Rolnik visit Rwanda

GENEVA (3 July 2012) – The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Raquel Rolnik, will undertake an official mission to Rwanda from 5 to 13 July 2012, at the invitation of the Government.During her nine-day visit, Ms Rolnik will meet with Government officials, human rights groups and other stakeholders. “This will be a great opportunity to look into how the most densely populated nation in Africa is managing land and housing issues in a way that takes into account equality and non-discrimination,” the Special Rapporteur said.“It is paramount that allocation of land and housing does not result in injustices that impede the reconciliation that Rwanda has long been striving for,” she added.At the end of her visit, on Friday 14 July 2012 at 10 am, the Special Rapporteur will hold a press conference at the Mille Collines Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda, to present the preliminary findings of her mission.United Nations Press release