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Social Residency Aldo dice 26x1

Residence Sociale Aldo dice 26x1

stabile Ex Alitalia di via XXIV Maggio, 6 (Sesto S.Giovanni, Milano)

ALDO DICE 26X1 is the motto that in the year 45 provoked the liberation from nazifascism in Italy and has been relaunched by a collective of organisations for a popular recycling campaign for public and private abandoned buildings. The ex Alitalia building in Sesto S. Giovanni, Milan, headquarters of International Tribunal of Evictions 2014, has been liberated on 28/03/2014 in order to carry out  the “Social Residency Aldo dice 26X1”.

ALDO DICE 26X1 is the motto that in ’45 provoked the liberation from nazi-fascism in Italy.

ALDO DICE 26X1 is the motto of a collective of associations, committees and syndicates who have chosen to bring back being called so, for a reappropriation campaign that hands over buildings to the disposal of the town that are abandoned or left to the mercy of robbers and vandals who destroy everything and resell their loot on the black market therefore feeding delinquency.

One of tentacles of Project ALDO DICE 26X1 is the ex -alitalia building of  street XXIV Maggio, 6 (Sesto S. Giovanni, Milan) part of the tumour eradicated by the Berlusconi government to the failed ex airlines Company that bears the Italian flag, leaving the sane part of the business to friends and putting inflated loans from over 28,000 credit companies, behind the backs of the Italians.

The building, 6,000 sq.m of perfectly functioning offices, with enormous accounting systems, remains abandoned, unsold for the last 5 years, and attacked by copper thieves who have partially destroyed the electrical system.

So far three auctions have been deserted due to overvaluing of price.

On March 28th 2014 the building was liberated to develop the project bound to the “SOCIAL RESIDENCY ALDO DICE 26 X 1”

At zero cost to the community!!!

The Social Residency aims to respond to an emergency that today hundreds of thousands of families suffer from all over the country.

Unfortunately, and however so the law provides, that an evicted family due to no- fault defaulting is not offered low cost housing with a “CASA/CASA” route. Families are divided, the mother and minors in a community and the husband in the street, or they are ALL THROWN TOGETHER on the road.

We want to respond to this emergency using the spaces of the buildings we have liberated for the shelter of these people, allowing them a diginified and protected refuge during the necessary period until obtaining low income housing.

What do we ask of citizens, institutions and other entities???


What do we want to happen in the minds of our earlier subjects??


We are experiencing a new way of social living, we are doing what the state should do but doesn’t, it’s more, it’s their attempt to destroy in whatever way possible ways of self-help and self organized mutual aid.

We ask for 12 months of time to demonstrate with objective data what is the dream we have in mind.

A new way social politics has been born, we offer you the fruits but you….HELP US to grow, because it is fair!

Clochard alla Riscossa (Homeless to the Rescue)

Comitato per il Diritto alla Casa (Committee for the Right to Housing)

Unione Inquilini (Tenants Union) Milan

Social Residency Aldo dice 26 x1

via XXIV Maggio, 6, Sesto S. Giovanni, Milano, Italia




Technical details of Project

6,000 sq. m formed of single, double and triple rooms with bathrooms, kitchen and shared areas. (4 bathrooms per floor, 2 showers per floor, 1 kitchen per floor)

67 rooms of single, double, triple that can house upto 87 tenants.

One music room with shared instruments

2 bars

1 events room

1 taverna/ sandwich bar

1 social gym

1 study room

1 computer room with internet

2 nursery rooms

1 second hand market

1 sick room/ clinic

1 small window for carrying out practices and notices

Everything is self-managed and already from two months ago completely self-sustainable!!!!


The Volunteer translator for housing rights without frontiers of IAI who has collaborated on the translation of this text was:

Lucy Christmas


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