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The Triennial of Inhabitants is online!

You can follow the Triennial of Inhabitants (Yaoundé, 26-28 November 2014) on the following social networks:

facebook : www.facebook.com/rnhc.rnhc  

twitter : twitter.com/RNHCRNHC  

And in video clips on Youtube:  www.youtube.com/user/rnhc1

 info : Make the right to the city a prerequisite to the right to adequate housing (Yaounde, November 26 to 28, 2014)


Contacts, registration and information:

Tel: 00237 22 20 10 12 - 00237 22 09 95 61

Fax: 00237 22 20 10 12

Mail: rnhcrnhc@yahoo.fr



The Volunteer translators for housing rights without frontiers of IAI who have collaborated on the translation of this text were:

Asaah Ndah, Emma Dix


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