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Inhabitants of Europe


Prague, Homeless 'camp' idea slammed

Proposal for 'oasis' to clean up city image sparks fury Plans under consideration to place homeless people "in an oasis" in the Prague suburbs have been slammed as nothing more than setting up "a concentration camp" and putting people in a "ghetto."

Stop police reprisals against antifascists and Khimki Forest Defenders in Russia!

On July 30 two antifascist activists, were arrested in Moscow without formal charges of any kind. Maxim and Alexei are well-known public spokesmen of the growing movement of young people against neo-Nazi violence, and in recent years they have done much to expose the connections amongst government agencies, the police, and ultra-rightists in Russia. Their arrests came on the heels of a series of dramatic events that unfolded in July around protests against the destruction of a forest in Khimki, outside of Moscow. Because they have a stake in clear-cutting the forest to make way for a multimillion-dollar toll highway between Moscow and Petersburg,big business and state bureaucrats have unleashed a full-scale campaign of violence against the local residents and environmentalists who make up the protest group.

Réunion Front Commun des SDF Jeudi 5 août à 10h30 123, rue Royale - Bruxelles

Le Front Commun SDF profite de l’Année européenne de lutte contre la pauvreté, ainsi que de la décision de l’Union européenne de se préoccuper des sans abri, pour organiser une vaste consultation des anciens et actuels SDF dans les pays de l’Europe.

Paris, La Courneuve : An update on the struggle of the brutally evicted

Eviction La Courneve, Paris (July 21 2010) A video of a forced eviction in la Courneuve on July 21, a method introduced by the new prefect. Jean Baptiste Eyraud, the president of Droit au Logement (DAL - Right to Housing Association) is outraged. He says "Dragging women with their babies, I have never seen that! When they are dealing with people in trouble, they must act differently. An intervention like that leaves marks on the minds of children. The adults were scared for them. Then I was taken into custody because I stayed at the scene after the warning from the police. " DAL, with support from the International Alliance of Inhabitants, requests for relocation of those who were evicted and, as a joined force, demands regularization of undocumented persons.

Khimki vs. Vinci y Putin

Los habitantes de Khimki, cerca de Moscú, acampan desde hace una semana para impedir a la firma francesa Vinci la construcción de un tramo de carretera que destruiría el bosque. El proyecto está sustentado por el Primer Ministro Vladimir Putin pero se gana la ira de los habitantes de Moscú y alrededores. El movimiento para defender el bosque de Khimki conduce la lucha contra este proyecto ecológicamente devastador desde hace más de dos años. Una nueva batalla comenzó el 15 de julio último con la deforestación inesperada de siete hectáreas, en los alrededores del aeropuerto internacional de Sheremetevo.

Barcelona, Repensar Bonpastor:finalización del Concurso de Ideas

Viernes 2 de julio 2011, en el Centro Cívico de Bon Pastor (Barcelona), a partir de las 17.30, se presentarán las propuestas que participaron y que ganaron el Concurso de Ideas Repensar Bon Pastor "para una remodelación con cero desalojos del barrio de Bon Pastor en Barcelona".

Paris, Rassemblement contre les expulsions de logement

En Île-de-France, la crise du logement bat son plein: plus des deux tiers des expulsions avec intervention de la police ont lieu en région parisienne. Cette situation alarmante touche aussi les demandeurs DALO, expulsés au mépris de la décision préfectorale qui les reconnaît prioritaires pour un relogement. Le RéSEL exige du Préfet d’Ile-de-France qu’il prenne au plus vite des dispositions pour que cessent les expulsions sans relogement.

Barcelona. Protesta masiva de los habitantes de las Casas Baratas de Bon Pastor

19 de junio 2010 Después de varios días en que en el barrio del Bon Pastor de Barcelona la tensión subía alrededor del problema de las casas cerradas, sábado 19 de junio explotó la rabia de los habitantes. Durante más de cinco horas muchísimas familias del barrio salieron a la calle con martillos y mazas y abrieron la mayoría de las 35 casas que el Patronato mantiene cerradas.

France, Un décret attaque les droits des demandeurs HLM

La fédération Droit Au Logement découvre avec stupeur un décret régressif et défavorable aux demandeurs DALO, et aux plus précaires, publié en début de semaine par le Gouvernement.Le collectif des oubliés du DALO se mobilise Dimanche 9 mai 2010 Paris, 12h au métro Avron.

Budapest, Rally for the right to housing and against forced evictions

Housing, not walls! On May 27, 2010 the City is for All (A Város Mindenkié) held a rally in front of the building of the local authority of Ferencváros in Budapest, Hungary, with the slogan “Housing, Not Walls!” The aim of the rally was to protest the anti-social behavior of the mayor and the local housing department.