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Inhabitants of Europe


Ideas behind “Bonpastor”: t@gether, on this occasion inh@bit@nts can win

The ideas competition "Repensar Bonpastor", sponsored by the IAI and organised by a group of architects, anthropologists and local planners, had a great success with over 150 teams enrolled. The Jury has selected four proposals as the best with the fifth one being awarded a special recognition. The winning teams consist of technicians from Spain, Holland, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Greece and Colombia, who have contributed towards the study concerning participatory urban regeneration and zero evictions at Bon Pastor’s “casas baratas” (“affordable housing”) neighbourhood in Barcelona. It is about gathering ideas to enable all people to benefit from, which has the opposite effect towards the City Council’s demolitions which have already begun in the neighbourhood.

REPENSAR BONPASTOR: And the winners are...

Finally we have the winner names of the competition! After almost four days of meticulous deliberation. The jury have carefully examined, analyzed, debated and assessed the proposals, and now we finally know which ones they have selected as the best ideas of the competition!

Charleroi: action surprise pour qu’avance vraiment le droit au logement

Squat d'une tour de logements sociaux abandonnés pour cause de réhabilitation. 10 étage a l'abandon total et soit disant en futur restauration.

“Day of anger” in Russia

Since the start of the year, there have been an increasing number of protests across cities in Russia. The population is protesting against the sharp increase in expenses, and in taxes of all sorts; while their salaries are falling and the number of unemployed is rising.

Charleroi: une caravane pour qu’avance vraiment le droit au logement

Une caravane des mal logés se déplace du 8 au 23 mars dans différentes régions de France. Elle passera par la Belgique, Charleroi et Bruxelles du 14 au 18 mars prochain.

Elections régionales : la CNL appelle à la plus large mobilisation

Le logement, première préoccupation des Français, n’est pas au cœur des débats de la campagne électorale des Régionales malgré l’implication toujours plus grande des collectivités locales dans la construction et l’amélioration de l’habitat. La CNL appelle à la participation la plus importante possible au scrutin car le résultat de ces élections concerne aussi les conditions de logement.

France. Stop aux expulsions de logement


El impacto social de las transformaciones urbanas, Mesa redonda en Barcelona el 10/3/10

Acabó la fase de entrega de las propuestas del concurso Repensar Bon Pastor. Hemos recibido muchas propuestas. La próxima semana se reúne el Jurado y el día 15 de marzo se hará público el Veredicto.

Cercasi volontari per il diritto alla casa senza frontiere: posti disponibili fino al 15/4/10!

L'Associazione INCO, insieme alla International Alliance of Inhabitants, sta organizzando la terza edizione del progetto "Inhabitants of the World", progetto SVE in America Latina, Africa e Eurasia: un'opportunità da non perdere! Places still available: * Brazil : 1 volunteer he/she resident in Italy and 1 resident in Portugal; * Senegal : 1 volunteer he/she resident in Spain; * Dominican Republic : 1 volunteer he/she resident in Slovakia. Info: info@incoweb.org

Bruxelles, Des « sans-logis » à l'église Gesu

Saint-Josse. Une occupation sauvage de plus pour défendre le droit au logement. Elle intervient au coeur d'un conflit urbanistique entre la commune et deux associations qui contestent le permis délivré. Le ministre Doulkeridis veut jouer au facilitateur.