local info
Tunnels beneath Vegas a refuge for homeless people
Tunnels beneath Vegas a refuge for homeless people
Underneath its glitzy casinos, far from the bright marquees, there is another Las Vegas, a pitch-black, dank underworld virtually unknown and unseen by those who live, work and play above.
For Some in Japan, Home Is a Tiny Plastic Bunk
Jobless, and Living in a Bunk
For Atsushi Nakanishi, jobless since Christmas, home is a cubicle barely bigger than a coffin — one of dozens of berths stacked two units high in one of central Tokyo’s decrepit “capsule” hotels.
Vancouver tenants allege eviction for landlord's Olympics profiteering
Home not Games
"My sense is this is the tip of the iceberg, it's the beginning of December and this is when I imagine these situations will start to ramp up," said Laura Track, a spokeswoman for Pivot Legal Society, who joined members of the Olympic Resistance Network to publicize the situation Monday.
In April, the City of Vancouver passed a housing bylaw allowing temporary rentals during the Games, so long as landlords have a municipal licence.
Land reform must not shut out Côte d’Ivoire’s IDPs - report
Village of Yapleu, Moyen Cavally, in the western area of Côte d’Ivoire (Barbara McCallin/IDMC, July 2008)
A reform programme designed to formalise customary land rights in Côte d’Ivoire may compromise durable solutions for internally displaced persons (IDPs) if their specific needs are not taken into account, according to a new report by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).
Pakistan:Fears over planned Karachi rail project
Part of the Omar Colony UC-7 near the railway line
On 3 September a Pakistan government committee approved a project worth Rs 128.5 billion (US$1.54 billion) to revive the Karachi Circular Railway and turn it into a modern commuter service, but not everyone is pleased: some 7,000 households will need to be relocated.
Egypt: Out of the slum and into joblessness
Trucks transport the furniture of residents of Istable Antar slum in Cairo to new homes about 50 km outside the capital
CAIRO, 17 November 2009 (IRIN) - When government workmen came in a truck to take Ahmed Mohamed's furniture to his new home just outside Cairo, the 32-year-old fisherman said “We were given beautiful homes, but they’re good for nothing. What can a fisherman like me do in the desert?”
Five children are evicted in Scotland every day
Five children are evicted in Scotland every day
The report, Eviction of children and families: the impact and the alternatives, highlights the depth of the problem in Scotland and the devastating impact that eviction can have on the lives of children and families. It also focuses in on best practice and looks at alternatives to eviction being used by a variety of organisations across the country.
Brasil, Projeto cria Serviço de Moradia Social
Moradia social (Elza Fiúza/ABr)
O objetivo da proposta é criar um serviço gratuito de moradia digna para a população de baixa renda por meio de um conjunto de ações e iniciativas integradas às demais políticas de desenvolvimento urbano e promoção social.
Michael Moore's Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now
Michael Moore
Five things we demand the President and Congress do immediately:
1. Declare a moratorium on all home evictions.
Not one more family should be thrown out of their home. The banks must adjust their monthly mortgage payments to be in line with what people's homes are now truly worth -- and what they can afford. Also, it must be stated by law: If you lose your job, you cannot be tossed out of your home....
Algérie: agitation pour des meilleurs logements
Policiers algériens sous des jets de pierres lors d'une manifestation près d'Alger, le 20 octobre 2009
Des centaines de jeunes, soutenus par des femmes et des pères de familles de la cité populaire de Diar Echems, ont affronté les forces de l'ordre avec des pierres en les empêchant d'entrer dans ce bastion pauvre du quartier El Madania, Ils protestaient contre les conditions d'attribution de logements sociaux et leur "mal vie" dans des logements exigus ou insalubres, alors que les autorités entendaient interdire la construction de baraques de fortune sur un terrain de football adjacent à la cité.