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USF Workshop, We are All Haitians

“In memory of our dead comrades, we have to reconstruct another society.”

Rio de Janeiro Declaration on Forced Evictions in Nigeria

To acknowledge the role of National Union of Tenants of Nigeria towards housing right protection in Nigeria, the union was selected by the UN-HABITAT to host a Networking Event on urban innovation at the just concluded fifth session of the World Urban Forum held from 22nd to 26th March 2010 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The Road to the World Assembly of Inhabitants at Dakar-2011

The beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro was born and established amidst the hills (morros), spreading over the hills, rivers, lakes and cleared forests. The hill is its landmark; the irreplaceable image of the city of Rio, the most noticeable at the Corcovado, Pao de Azucar, Sao Francisco.

Los movimientos sociales latinoamericanos claman por el reparto del suelo urbano

Río de Janeiro, 24 mar (EFE).- Los movimientos sociales latinoamericanos presentes en el quinto Foro Urbano Mundial de la ONU clamaron hoy por el fin de los desalojos y exigieron un reparto equitativo y justo del suelo y las viviendas.

The World Urban Forum opened today

The World Urban Forum opened today with a march thru downtown Rio by several hundred people that ended at the Port Zone where the UN Habitat hosted WUF is sited.

Marcha por la vida en Rio de Janeiro, Plaza de la Candelaria

En la Plaza de la Candelaria, en el merito corazon del centro historico de Rio de Janeiro, la virgen que hace milagros nos acompana con su luz de dia, justo cuando son las 10 de la manana mil ciudadanos del mundo nos encontramos a pleno rayo de sol, las banderas del movimiemto social brasileno arropan nuestro calor, nuestro sudor que inunda la piel y baja como perlas por los rostros, brazos y piernas de los militantes,las camisas y blusas mojadas son testigos del gran humor, alegria y combatividad que fluira en voces que exigen “vivienda para todos los habitantes del mundo ya”, consigna que suena musicalmente en los diversos idiomas, portugues, frances, espanol, ingles, ruso, indi.

Urban Social Forum 2010

Social Movements and Organizations of Rio de Janeiro invite to Social Urban Forum 2010 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 22-26, 2010): fighting for the right to the city, democracy and urban justice in neighborhoods and in the world.

Rio de Janeiro at the junction towards the World Assembly of Inhabitants

Following the success of the World Zero Evictions Days, preparations for the World Assembly of Inhabitants (WAI) continue. The WAI will be held at the Dakar WSF in 2011. Several Promotor Committees have already been set up in various countries, with further committees currently taking shape on every continent: in particular, there are plans to set up committees during this year’s Social Forums. These preparations make the Rio de Janeiro step (22-26 March 2010) a major event. It will include the Urban Social Forum (USF), organized by local urban social movements and international housing rights networks, and the World Urban Forum 5 (WUF5), organized by UN-Habitat.

Inhabitants Together, A World Assembly in 2011 to Gain the Right to Live

Inhabitants of the world united for the right to the city!This was determined in the Call, approved by the plenary Urban Social Forum of Rio, summarizing the deep sense which invigorated the participation of thousands of people, social leaders, inhabitants organizations, tenants, homeless, cooperatives and communities in dozens of meetings, seminars and workshops which brought this unitary space to life.