World Zero Evictions Days 2010
On the occasion of World Habitat Day 2010 celebrated by the UN-Habitat with the motto “Better City, Better Life”, the International Alliance of Inhabitants, the world-wide network for housing rights with no frontiers, has issued a critical communiqué launching the World Zero Evictions Days to support resistances and alternatives for participating cities, a concrete foundation for a new Urban Social Pact.
Resistances and alternatives for “Better City, Better Life”, for inhabitants (not market)!
How participate in October 2010’s World Zero Evictions Days
For the development of this action, we propose during the whole month of October to:...

Red de Coordinación Urbano Popular, COOPHABITAT-Campaña Cero Desalojos (AIH), Foro Ciudadano, Articulación Nacional Campesina
Santo Domingo. República Dominicana.Marcha al Congreso Dominicano

Tenants from HUD subsidized apartments threatened with conversion to market rents, joined by invited elected officials and candidates
Boston.USA. Rally Saturday for Legislation to “Save Our Homes”

CHAM, a USACAI member organization, San Jose, CA
San Jose. USA. Memorial for Fallen Homeless; Rally for the Right to Housing!

Coalición Cero Desalojos de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico. Jornada por Comunidades Libres de Desalojos

Foro Ciudadano, Foro Social Alternativo, Articulación Nacional Campesina, Red de Coordinación Urbano Popular
S. Domingo. República Dominicana. Movilización Nacional por el derecho a la vivienda y la tierra

World Homeless Day Action Support Committee (members of many homelessness, housing and budget justice organizations)
NewYork, USA. World Homeless Day Vacant Housing Takeover

Salvador. Brasil. A Grande Ceia: Fora Despejo! Vila Coração de Maria Fica!

Red Urbano Popular, COOPHABITAT, Foro Ciudadano, Articulación Nacional Campesina, Foro Social Alternativo, GRITO DE LOS EXCLUIDOS, AIH, HIC, VÍA CAMPESINA Y JUBILEO SUR
Santo Domingo. República Dominicana. Marcha hacia el Congreso Nacional

Habitar Argentina