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Paraguay: Asentamientos piden fin a los desalojos violentos

La plaza Italia fue el escenario de la convocatoria hecha por la Coordinadora para Asentamientos Espontáneos (CAES) que reúne a familias de los departamentos de Paraguarí, San Pedro, Concepción e Itapúa.

Paraguay: Mujeres indígenas y rurales piden respuestas al Gobierno

Fuertes críticas al Gobierno lanzaron ayer representantes del asentamiento Espontáneos Paraguay, durante la última jornada del primer Campamento de mujeres jóvenes de la Coordinadora Nacional de Mujeres Trabajadoras Rurales e Indígenas (Conamuri), que se llevó a cambo en las instalaciones de la plaza Italia de Asunción. En la oportunidad, las participantes reclamaron a las nuevas autoridades que se produzca en forma efectiva el tan anunciado cambio del que se habló durante la campaña electoral, pero que sin embargo, hasta el momento no se ha visto en prácticamente ningún estamento.13 de Octubre 2008

World Zero Evictions Days 2008

We hereby invite : inhabitants’, tenants’, homeless, landless, immigrants’ associations; co-operatives, committees and social centres as well as urban social movements all across the world to increase their own initiatives (i.e. marches, press conferences, sit-ins, solidarity days, blocks, meetings, etc)

Habitat Day in the press

Mass Evictions Ignored by UN in World Habitat Day in Angola, As ... Inner City Press, NY -Angola: UN Habitat Director Happy With Luanda's Development Angola Press AgencyAngola: President Dos Santos Analyses Housing Strategy With UN Official Angola Press Agency (Luanda) 6 October 2008Angola: Provincial Government Wishes to Make Luanda Harmonious Angola Press Agency (Luanda) 6 October 2008

No harmony without inclusion

The following statement was issued today in Geneva by the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on adequate housing, Raquel Rolnik, on the occasion of World Habitat Day: "Can we celebrate today World Habitat Day with joy and hope?"

COHRE Statement on World Habitat Day, 6 October 2008, Geneva

The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) today released a statement on World Habitat Day:"Governments must end forced evictions and address global housing crisis at the root of global financial crisis”

Luanda: For full citizenship and a harmonious habitat

PRESS RELEASE: SOS Habitat – Solidarity ActionOn the occasion of World Habitat Day6th October 2008 -

Press Statement to Mark the WHD - WEP, Nigeria

Today, October 6, WEP in collaboration with the Nigerian Red Cross Society, Federal Road Safety Commission, the Police and members of the Federation of the Urban Poor (FEDUP) numbering over 500 participated in the ''Walk for Harmonious Cities'' organized by WEP. The walk started from Area 1 under the bridge through Area 2, 10, International Conference Centre, Radio House, Nigerian Television Authority and ended up at the headquarters of the Federal Capital Development Authority(FCDA)

Inician Jornadas Mundiales Cero Desalojos en República Dominicana en el Día Mundial del Hábitat

Con la realización de Encuentros Populares de manera simultánea en cinco provincias de República Dominicana se conmemoró este 6 de octubre el Día mundial del hábitat y al mismo tiempo el país se insertó en las Jornadas Mundiales Cero Desalojos. Estas actividades fueron motorizadas en el país por la Red Urbano Popular , y con la solidaridad internacional de la Alianza Internacional de Habitantes, el Grito de los Excluidos, HIC y otras redes que defienden el Derecho a la Vivienda y la Tierra.

Zimbabwe: CHRA Commemorates World Habitat day

The Combined Harare Residents Association joins Zimbabwe and the rest of the world in commemorating the World Habitat Day. This day comes at a time when Harare and other cities are facing insurmountable challenges in shelter and infrastructural development. While the day calls upon humanity to reflect on the state of towns and cities and the basic right to adequate shelter, the day also reminds us of our collective responsibility to the future of the human habitat. With this year's theme being "harmonious cities" the city of Harare is far from being harmonious as it bemoans lack of housing, infrastructural and service delivery deterioration.