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Press Release. Harmonious cities once and for all - free them from neo-liberalism!

On World Habitat Day , celebrated by UN-Habitat on October 6, 2008, under the motto “Harmonius Cities”, the International Alliance of Inhabitants, a global network for housing rights without borders, released a very critical document proposing a new Urban Social Pact supported by the World Zero Evictions Days.

Russia's Social Mobilisation Day

There will be demonstrations in more than 32 towns in Russia on Saturday 25 October 2008, around the "Day of Social Anger". This day, for which preparations by a huge network of social movements in several regions, has been undertaking for months, marks the entry of basic social mobilisation actions on Russia's public scene. For the first time, the Russian media has widely covered the events and noted the beginning of an up to now non-identified phenomenon: people who are neither henchmen of the Kremlin nor party tools, "people like any other people" demonstrated together on the same day, for the same causes and in under the same slogan: "power under the control of the citizens!"

Markets alone cannot ensure housing for all, says UN expert

Press release Raquel Rolnik, 23 October 2008 The following statement was issued today in New York by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on adequate housing, Raquel Rolnik:The belief that markets will provide adequate housing for all has failed. The current crisis is a stark reminder of this reality. A home is not a commodity - four walls and a roof. It is a place to live in security, peace and dignity, and a right for every human being.

UN's Habitat Engages with Angola Despite Evictions, UNICEF Irregularities and in Nairobi

Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis UNITED NATIONS, October 27 -- Criticized for holding its World Habitat Day celebration this month in Angola, widely known for mass evictions, the UN housing agency responded by calling the site selection a case of "constructive engagement." Inner City Press had asked about the criticism back on October 6 , but was told by the UN Spokesperson that HABITAT director Anna Tibaijuka stood with Angola and had no comment on eviction.

Dominicana: Red hace vigilia frente al Congreso para exigir aprobación proyecto Ley Vivienda

La Red de Coordinación Urbano Popular, por la defensa del territorio, realizó ayer una vigilia frente al Congreso Nacional para exigir la aprobación del proyecto de Ley de Vivienda, Hábitat y Asentamientos Humanos, entregada por esa organización, en la cual se plantea una solución definitiva a la “inseguridad en que viven cientos de familias pobres por el problema de desalojo y falta de viviendas en el país”.

Santo Domingo: Reclaman viviendas en Día Continental de los Excluidos

Al conmemorarse ayer el Día Continental de los Excluidos, la Red de Coordinación Urbano Popular por la Defensa del Territorio leyó un manifiesto en el que critica que, mientras se promueve el progreso y la modernidad en el país, miles de dominicanos viven en condiciones infrahumanas.El documento fue leído por Catalina Pirón frente al Altar de la Patria, luego de que la organización depositara una ofrenda floral.

La marcha ciclista Irun-París por una vivienda digna partió ayer de la plaza San Juan

La organización de la iniciativa corre a cargo de la plataforma francesa DAL. Colectivos de ambos lados de la muga respaldan el 'tour' reivindicativo.

Paraguay Campaña Cero Desalojos

En las jornadas de la campaña DESALOJO CERO, la Coordinadora para Asentamientos Espontáneos, miembro de la Alianza Internacional de los Habitantes el domingo 12 de octubre realizó en la Plaza Italia de la ciudad de Asunción, Rca del Paraguay un panel debate sobre el derecho a la ciudad para todos y todas, en la campaña global ACTUEMOS JUNTOS Y JUNTAS POR UNA VIVIENDA DIGNA.

25 October in Russia "The Social Anger Day"

The decision was taken during the Siberian Social Forum of Irkutsk in August 2008 (200 participants from 36 Russian regions) to start the preparation of a national day of united actions of Social Movements. One of the principal initiators of this day is the Soviet Coordination Union (SKS), but the message is supported by a number of other social movements, independent trade unions, associations for the handicapped, retirees associations, inhabitant's unions, anti-fascist organisations, environmental networks and student associations. Political parties are called to give their support all the while letting the Social Movements and Social Claims take the lead roles and first place. Several left-wing groups have joined with local organisation committees. For the moment, the official Communist Party is reluctant.