Articles and Pictures
Days of waiting
Impending house demolitions in silwan’s al abbasiyya neighborhood
March, 2009 - Published by ICAHD
Demo against evictions in Nigeria and Palestine
Protest against evictions in Nigeria, Palestine and Israel, Nigerian Embassy, Tel Aviv, Israel
Protest against evictions in Nigeria, Palestine and Israel:
Tel Aviv, April 26 2009
עברית אחרי אנגלית
In Nigeria, Palestine, Israel and the rest of the world, all people have the right for a roof above their head – a right that is taken by governments.
Israel accused of ethnic cleansing by Nobel peace laureate Mairead
The Nobel prize Mairead Maguire ( AP)
NOUVELOBS.COM: 21.04.2009The north-Irish and Nobel prize of the peace 1976 Mairead Maguire violently took itself to the municipality of East of Jerusalem, which gets ready to proceed to the most important eviction of Arabs since 1967.
Nigeria-Palestina: solidarity against evictions
On Sunday April 26, 2009 we, members of the global justice movement, claimed the streets of the Nigerian Embassy in Tel Aviv demanding an end to the policies of demolition, land theft and eviction carried out against Palestinians whilst standing in solidarity with the people of Port Harcourt in Nigeria and the National Union of Tenants of Nigeria who are suffering similar attacks.
Photo Galleries: Israel - Internal displacement in unrecognized Bedouin villages
From IDMC: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre