Cercasi volontari per il diritto alla casa senza frontiere: posti disponibili fino al 15/4/10!
L'Associazione INCO, insieme alla International Alliance of Inhabitants, sta organizzando la terza edizione del progetto "Inhabitants of the World", progetto SVE in America Latina, Africa e Eurasia: un'opportunità da non perdere!
Places still available:
* Brazil
: 1 volunteer he/she resident in Italy and 1 resident in Portugal;
* Senegal
: 1 volunteer he/she resident in Spain;
* Dominican Republic
: 1 volunteer he/she resident in Slovakia.
Info: info@incoweb.org
The International Alliance of Inhabitants is a global network of associations and social movements of inhabitants, cooperatives, communities, tenants, house owners, homeless, slum dwellers, indigenous populations and people from working class neighbourhoods. The objective is the construction of another possible world starting from the achievement of the housing and city rights.