European platform on the Right to Housing (2009)
In light of the failure of the neo-liberal approach, the social organizations that work in the housing field would urge their respective governments and the European Union to take up the following proposals in order to promote coordinated policies among the EU member states, accompanied by the strengthening of the related competencies of the EU bodies.
It doesn’t make sense to have a Europe based on the market; rather, it should be based on its people and their rights, as it is upon their acceptance that the adhesion to the process of European unification will depend.
» European platform on the Right to Housing (2009)The International Alliance of Inhabitants is a global network of associations and social movements of inhabitants, cooperatives, communities, tenants, house owners, homeless, slum dwellers, indigenous populations and people from working class neighbourhoods. The objective is the construction of another possible world starting from the achievement of the housing and city rights.