Organize an action in your community for International Housing Rights/Zero Eviction Days in October!
Housing rights networks in the US and Canada are fighting back. The USA-Canada Alliance of Inhabitants has launched a campaign to fight the criminalization of the homeless and affirm the right to housing for all. The National Alliance of HUD Tenants has mobilized to fight budget cuts, rent increases and time limits on housing aid that threaten millions with displacement. Take Back the Land and others are taking direct action to block foreclosures and evictions and to house the homeless in cities across the US.
And all are joining the World Habitat Days launched by Habitat International Coalition (HIC) and International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI)...
» Organize an action in your community for International Housing Rights/Zero Eviction Days in October!The International Alliance of Inhabitants is a global network of associations and social movements of inhabitants, cooperatives, communities, tenants, house owners, homeless, slum dwellers, indigenous populations and people from working class neighbourhoods. The objective is the construction of another possible world starting from the achievement of the housing and city rights.